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If you have an innovative approach, the ability to capture originality and a desire to be the first, Photostock may be your best choice to market your work to customers. A cooperation with Photostock can be a worthwhile experience for your business.

Photostock is proud to work with many of Armenian and international leading professional photographers, filmmakers and illustrators. Together, we create exciting salable visual content for the advertising, graphic design, editorial, publishing and entertainment industries.

If you are willing to submit exclusive, original, high-quality visual content featuring Armenia and the region, please fill in the following form and we will contact you for our possible cooperation.

Contributor Information
Email Address*:
Confirm Email Address*:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Voice Phone:
Fax Phone:
Web Site:
* Fields Requared
Image File

Select SAMPLE image file on your hard disk to be contributed. The image should be in maximum quality JPEG format, with a minimum short image dimension of 700 pixels, and a maximum short side dimension of 4000 pixels. Please use only standard English language (ASCII) characters and numerals in the image file name, with no spaces, and only "_", "-", or "." for punctuation.  

Example:  eiffel_tower_from_s_01.jpg

Additional Info
Are your digital photos ... (check all that apply)
scanned from slides
scanned from negatives
scanned from prints
converted from Kodak PhotoCD
taken with a digital camera

Biographical information
Please give us 1-2 sentences about yourself. Include where you live, and what your background is, such as professional or academic training or photography experience.

Special interest
If you usually photograph a particular plant, animal, or geographic area, or if you have expertise in one of other areas, please enter it here.

Please use the space below to include any other information.


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